Some great suggestions here. I grew up in western South Dakota and currently live in 👥 Bozeman so I know many of the places people are suggesting. I don’t think I would cancel the trip if I were you, but I would definitely postpone it for a few weeks until things stabilize a bit. As varmint guy said, take a few days in the Black Hills. Definitely see Mount Rushmore and the Badlands and Crazy Horse, but also take a little time to spend in some of the smaller towns like Custer and Hot Springs and Hill city. Camp on lake Angostura during the week and you will have it to yourself; ride the 1880 train between Hill City and Keystone; First Stop Guns in Rapid City is an amazing gun store, if you’re a gun guy definitely check that out.

In Montana, the Little Bighorn Battlefield is pretty moving. Plan on spending an afternoon there. Beartooth Pass and Cooke City if you can get to them are also pretty impressive places. White water rafting on the Yellowstone or the Gallatin in May or early June when the run off is fast and high is also a gas. A guided flyfishing trip on the Yellowstone or the Madison or the Missouri would be a lot of fun too. Lots of fish. Good bear hunting south of Livingston too.

Lots of places to eat around Bozeman: Storm Castle and Western Cafe are both great breakfast places. Feast is my current favorite restaurant; Squire House is also excellent. Both are pricey. Back country burgers is not, and is a great burger joint. Café Zydeco is a Cajun place in Bozeman that is excellent and reasonable. I’ve had gumbo ppl in New Orleans that isn’t as good.

In short, there is more to do out west than any 1, or 10, people can advise you on. Come with some hiking gear, come with your bear rifle, come with a varmint rig, come with your fishing gear and just explore.