Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by m_stevenson
Yeah, let's not do anything to try and reduce scamming.
As far as I'm concerned, if they receive Social Security payments and don't file tax returns, they can go through that small amount of hassle.

You obviously don't know any social security recipients living on < $1500/month.

My mother in law. I buy her groceries, take her to appointments, pay bills, etc.

Because that’s what families do.

Gov has, whether by design or stupidity, eroded this sense of obligation with its “safety nets”. FDR was brilliant in this regard. Johnson even more so.

Over my lifetime (born 1975) I’ve observed that neither of the two parties cares one lick for making the tough choices necessary to keep our society running as the FFs intended.

Mark’s point stands; people who are in need of our grand- and great-grandchildren’s money offered so easily by the hacks in DC ought to expect to have to prove something to get it. There is nothing wrong with that.

This thread turned into a discussion of SS when it was started about the COVID19 relief bill.