Beansnbacon33: I really enjoyed the first two seasons of "Ozarks" and was greatly looking forward to season #3.
I was very, no, I was very,very disappointed! It was a 10 or 11 episode season of hour long episodes of mostly family fighting - often non-stop!
I forced myself to watch it as the VarmintWife was tolerating it a little better than I - in other words I am glad its over and not looking forward to season #4 much at all.
I hope YOU enjoy it as there are indeed some surprises but the non-stop doom and gloom and bickering and emotional outbursts, well I worked in a large city ghetto for quite a number of years and I have had more than enough of those type people/situations. Just not entertaining to me like the first two seasons were.
I much more enjoyed "I Saw A Tiger"!
Hold into the wind