Originally Posted by djs
Well, the Georgia Governor, instituted stay-at-home orders a day ago.

Two (2) days ago, he over-ruled local stay-at-home and beach closure orders, saying there's no problem. Yesterday, he issued a state-wide stay-at-home ordered explaining that he and state officials were just "finding out that this virus is now transmitting before people see signs,".

Gee, the rest of the nation knew this was fact 2+ months ago when cruise ships were reporting new cases, the rest of world was saying it and, Dr. Antony Fauci was pleading for stay-at-home policies in press conferences with the President.

I guess that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp just learned to read! Ain't edukaton grate? smile

You totally misrepresented the situation with our governor, and the State of Georgia.

We have been virtually locked down here since March 25th. Traffic on the streets is light, most businesses have been closed for more than 10 days, schools have been shut down for more than two weeks as are the colleges and they are closed for the semester.. So while Kemp didn't issue a stay at home order until April 3, its not like people are out and about.

Next, the Governor has let counties and municipaliies make decisions for themselves. Georgia still has 10+ counties with 0 cases reported. Why should people there be locked down?

Have a look at this map and you'll quickly see that cases in Georgia center around Rome, Albany, and Metro Atlanta. Rome and Albany outbreaks have been traced back to a funeral and a church group.


A majority of counties are reporting less than 20 cases per county. The spike in Chatham an Richmond counties is due to the hospitals in Augusta and Savanah. I have no issue with the way my Governor has acted so far.

This is like me taking a swipe at Colorado saying they are more worried about political Correctness ad social engineering than public health based on this from the state website (clear shot at Trump and his China Virus quip):


Stop the spread of racism

Viruses don't discriminate and neither should we.

As the COVID-19 disease continues to spread rapidly, countries all over the world are taking extreme measures to slow its growth. However, a more alarming trend is also emerging: violence, bullying, and harassment directed toward people of Asian descent in the United States. There is an uptick in recently reported incidents of violence against Asian Americans, including a teenager being physically assaulted and a family of four stabbed while trying to buy groceries. Though the initial spread of COVID-19 occurred in China, it is important that we increase awareness that the disease is linked to a geographic location and not to a race or nationality. We must call out harmful language and behavior and do all we can to stop it. We all have an obligation to treat everyone with dignity; associating whole groups of people with events that occur in different parts of the world is dangerous to individuals and families in our communities.

It is unacceptable when our neighbors are scared to go to the grocery store or take a walk for fear of being targeted. But the question is: What can we do about it? Below are a few suggestions:

Model inclusion and compassion.

Avoid making negative statements about any racial, ethnic, or religious group. Reach out to your neighbors and colleagues who might feel at risk because of their ethnicity, religion, or other traits.

Provide accurate information.

Providing accurate information about people, events, and culture is important. This is especially important when news reports have negative statements about any specific group.

Avoid stereotyping people or countries.

In order to avoid creating prejudice and mistrust, don’t focus on the nationality, ethnicity, or appearance of those who live where COVID-19 originated.

Stop any type of harassment or bullying immediately.

Speak up when you hear, see, or read discriminatory comments, particularly on social media.

In the end, let’s remember that stigma will not fight COVID-19, but sharing accurate information will. Calling it a 'Chinese virus' only encourages stereotyping, anger, and harassment against people of Asian descent at a time when we should all be working together to get through this public health crisis.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo