Good stuff Jeff !!

Been a long time since i read it but read that the florida panther has expanded to many southern states south carolina/georgia/alabama/etc. .
Two people i know here [Eglin AFB] were riding dirtbikes back in the early mid 80's - a cougar jumped out of the ditch ran straight down the dirtroad in front of them for 100+ yards - broad daylight .

There are a lot more big critters roaming around than people want to believe , i saw a wolf [N. of panama city beach 18mi.] plain as day about 6-7 years ago while still hunting coyotes over a stinky boar hog . It could have sucked its belly in and a coyote could have walked underneath it .

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.