Is a "buzzard" a black vulture?

We had turkey vultures here on the highways even back as a little kid. However balck vultures ere rare/absent. They've made big inroads (pun) the passed 20 years though, to the point that they may be as common as the TV's.

Our osprey and bald eagle pops are WAY up too, doing better than anyone expected. Never see bald eagle on carrion.

Do Osprey eat carrion? They always seem to have a fish in talons when I see them.

wish they all ate the effin cormorants. A plague on my local ponds.

Originally Posted by Archerhunter

Quit giving in inch by inch then looking back to lament the mile behind ya and wonder how to preserve those few feet left in front of ya. They'll never stop until they're stopped. That's a fact.