It has been a few years since I hunted Az.. The quail were few and far between.. When I first retired in 1999 my wife and I took the camper to Az.and spent 6 weeks to 2 mths. hunting dove and quail.. I was great.. I didn't hunt quail all day a bit in the morning and again in the evening.. But the last years we found very few quail.. One year I just hunted coyotes.. My pal continued to go for a few more years and he finally gave up.. We talked later and he said I doubt the quail come back in my life time.. Now it seems like there is a good rain fall this winter, so that should bring the numbers back up.. I considered buying a small home there, but I am glad I didn't.. Too many years with too few birds.. Also something else.. The Californians over run the place.. One guy told me a Californian had a small trailer near Alamo Lake I believe.. He killed three hundred that year and that is only one of them.. Truly if you have decent hunting where you are I would be mobile.. Get a travel trailer and go down and try it... If you like it stay as long as you wish.. If the hunting sucks, move on.. Some states I would consider are of course South Dakota, Kansas, Neb. and Idaho... To me Idaho is a real sleeper for birds...

Molon Labe