Originally Posted by Rooster7
Originally Posted by Mr_Harry
No Country For Old Men is outstanding. One of the few films that does the book justice. Even more so, it IMPROVED my enjoyment of the book having mental pictures of the characters in my mind’s eye, as I saw the film before reading the book. Then, I went back and watched the film immediately again, and it was even better for having read the book. A rare experience.

Did the ending of the book make any sense whatsoever because the ending of the movie didn't. Not to me anyway.
Cormac McCarthy is supposedly an excellent writer. His books are darkly poetic but nonsensical to many folks. If you didn't enjoy that one, you probably wouldn't enjoy a lot of his other works. I would not describe the movie as making no sense and it just ended. Many including me, didn't like the ending because we were rooting for the protagonist. That the killer got his wife after-the-fact rubbed salt in the wound.

Kelly's Heroes is widely loved on here. The original or alternative ending had them get away in a plane, to Switzerland but also had the pilot or co-pilot accidentally open the back of the plane or the bomb-bay or something and lose all the gold. Similar and also dark although not as much so as No Country for Old Men.