Yesterday I loaded up the VarmintMobile and headed out on a combination Varmint Hunt and Spring Bear Hunt.
The high basin I wanted to get to was 35 miles from my home and once I got to the mouth of this huge basin the road was blocked by a snow drift.
As I was turning around to go check another basin I spotted a herd of 14 Elk about 500 yards away - watching me.
As I got my binoculars onto them I was a bit shocked to see antlers on several of them shining in the sun!
I mean it was April 27th and I would have thought all antlers would have been shed by now?
I got my spotting scope out and viewed them close up - 4 Elk had sets of "spike" horns and and a fifth had just a single spike!
Two more of the Elk (who were obviously much larger and "bull colored") had obvious pedicles and I am sure they were mature Bulls but no new horn growth showing yet.
I spent 20 minutes watching them wander directly away from me - all the while scanning for "sheds" but none seen/found.
I will be back to get into this basin in a week, to watch for Bears again, but I was very surprised that the young Elk still had their antlers?
Any thoughts?
I have Hunted this basin several times in the past and have never seen this much snow this late?
Maybe the longer cooler winter we have had has kept the young Elk from shedding by now?
Or maybe the younger Elk just keep their antlers longer?
No luck on Bears but did see a set of tracks going across a large snow patch.
Like I say i'll be back in a week to try again.
Hold into the wind