Originally Posted by ribka
Ive been selected to attend army sniper school next month but have never owned a firearm


Yah, shure, ya betcha . . . Git ya a Barrett chambered in .50 BMG and start at 500 yards (or meters) off hand. Once ya master that, ya can shoot anything laugh.

Seriously - back to the OP - If you have a pro-shop anywhere near you, visit them, they can be invaluable. Ask questions, listen to the answers and most anything else they are willing to talk to you about. Worth the time and effort.

I started in the mid '60s with a Ben Pierson recurve with wooden arrows. Much later got a couple compounds with fiberglass or aluminum arrows. Then turned around and started shooting longbow with self built wooden arrows. Tried but never got the hang of bow sights or releases. Learned shooting bare bow, and just couldn't shake the habit.

Good luck with your endeavor, it will be as fun as you are willing to make it.

Someday I hope to be the person my dogs think I am . . .
The only true cost of having a dog is its death.
Someone once said "a nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
Shiloh Sharps . . . there is no substitute.
NRA Endowment Member