Originally Posted by Cheesy
I wish I knew “tweety birds” better.

Nothing crazy, but in last week we have been covered up with goldfinches. Also frequenting the feeders have been cardinals, Baltimore Orioles. Rose breasted grosbeaks, Mourning dove, red wing blackbirds, blue jays, robins, indigo buntings, red bellies woodpeckers, summer tanager on the fountain, bluebirds nesting in their houses, one nest of black capped chickadees in a bluebird house.

Nothing to it, ya look though binocs then if you have to find one in the book that looks just like it smile

Looks like you already know quite a few species already.

Summer tanagers are thick as thieves down here, mature males have been here close to a month already, the red and blotchy green first year males are just now arriving.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744