Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Once reality sets in, that is...

Too much damage done to be otherwise.

Any guesses?

I think soon. Very soon.

It's already started. Businesses closed and will never reopen. Job cuts and pay cuts at large companies that will not be rescinded. In 2021 there will be HUGE tax increases. How else will the feds pay for these freebiemoochies?

Except for businesses like Amazon, most others will stay open at a lower level for years. Lower level means less employment.

How can major league sports and concerts survive if social distancing makes them cut attendance by 75%?

Before the lockdown, the average American couldn't save $400 for an emergency. Now there are 33,000,000 kicked out of work. Mortgage payments will fail. Loans will not be repaid. Banks will fail unless the feds bail them out. If they do bail them out, the fed debt will just slow growth for a decade or more.

Those who think there will be a V-shaped recovery are delusional. A more likely scenario is that Trump will lose the election (Biden is helped by being locked down in his basement) and the country will have had it.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.