There's one retired Broward coward that occasionally comes in my favorite LGS. I can't stand the sight of that prick and my bud who runs the shop knows it. He is a pompous ass clown. Parks smack dab in the entrance drive to the shop (and all the other shops in the plaza), right off the main thoroughfare. He thinks my other bud, #2 in the shop, does a great job cleaning and lubricating guns and getting them looking their best, which he does. Everybody knows that. But, he doesn't want to pay for the service. Never fails he'll bring his shotguns in before duck or turkey season and expect Tom to do them up righteous for free. Burns my ass.

I always see an Oh Schit look on my bud's face through the glass when I walk up to the door because he KNOWS I will engage the moron on some level of his incompetence whenever I see that turd. smile

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member