Four people --- Mother and daughter (age 65 and 43) got it late Jan / early Feb on a vacation in Morocco with a group of Italians from northern Italy -- very sick but not hospitalized, Air Canada allowed them to fly home even though they said they were ill as they had not been travelling in China. Mother said it was the worst she has ever felt with her whole body being sore and pneumonia symptoms.

Fellow in our community. He drives an airport shuttle and thinks that is where he got it - he was hospitalized (non-ICU) and has been back home for about a month, John says he is still out of breath, body aches and head aches - he is in his mid 60's,

Caregiver to a family across the street. She is also a office clerk at a medical clinic where a group of doctors were infected at a curling bonspiel. He brought it into the office and she got it there. She is no longer a caregiver for the family as their son is immune system compromised.
