Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by Gus
the illegal aliens will pay SS if we just allow them to stay.

they'll take jobs noone else will take, in areas where gov't welfare is better.

this is a game. but we're all down here on the face of the planet, and covid is everywhere.

money might or might no be free, but when both major national parties throw money from helicopters..

what we've got here is a communication problem. we all know that, but what about the other folks here & there?

Fuqk the Illegal’s. They take their pay under the table so they can still draw Welfare! Another reason our Country is going bankrupt. 😡

who cares? not the demo=publican consortium for sure.

not the locals. they just offer service to whom ever comes in the door, until resources are completed.

money is cheapand a gift to us.. it's our right as citizens, tax-payers & workers, and retired workers.

speaking of tundra, range-rovers, unimogs and others, are they better than russian & red chi-com products?

what about price?? will wal-mart & others offer to help us americans in time of need, or will they milk us to the bone?