Originally Posted by Sitka deer

It is criminal at this point to even consider a study that does not include zinc. That has been proven in legitimate studies around the world including the US.

It could be the zinc that is effective against C19, I'm still waiting on the science to figure it out.


Zinc itself has antiviral properties and past research has suggested it may reduce the time people suffer from common colds.

Rahimian said that it may be that when used to treat coronavirus patients, it is the zinc that does the heavy lifting and is the primary substance attacking the pathogen.

Hydroxychloroquine, on the other hand, acts as an agent that transports the zinc into cells, increasing its efficacy, he suggested.

Those receiving the triple-drug combination had a 1.5 times greater likelihood of recovering enough to be discharged, and were 44 percent less likely to die, compared to the double-drug combination.

It did not, however, change the average time patients spent in hospital (six days), the time they spent on the ventilator (five days), or the total amount of oxygen required.

Senior investigator and infectious disease specialist Joseph Rahimian told AFP it was the first study to compare the two combinations.

Remember why, specifically, the Bill of Rights was written...remember its purpose. It was written to limit the power of government over the individual.

There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.