Originally Posted by mtwarden
Originally Posted by KC

I don't think that R value is all that important. Sure some insulation is good but that doesn't mean that more is better.

I'd have to disagree; my older Neoairs were good to about freezing or so, my Xtherm is comfortable to zero- 3.2 vs 7 r value

if you're going to be carrying an additional ccf pad, then obviously you've just increased the r value and it will be comfortable to a lower temp- the r values are additive, so a 3.2 (Neoair) inflatable used with say a z rest ccf pad (2.0) gives you a r value for over 5 making that combo comfortable below freezing

what you have underneath you is almost as important as what you have on top of you in my experience

+1 MT. Also many people don’t take into consideration the bottom side of your sleeping bag is essentially being smashed by your body and not providing much in the way of warmth while you sleep.