I’ll assume you mean when water drops and clears. Usually July here.

In any case, during the morning BWO hatch I like sparkle duns. Upright wings float well, good visibility, but supposedly they ride a little lower in the water. Olive or PMD are my preferred but just needs muted colors.

Evening caddis hatch I like just the standard elk hair caddis. Sometimes I will tie on another BWO pattern in the evening, parachute Adams is a good one.

The rest of the day I’m probably nymphing. If the water is shallow I’ll use a dry/dropper setup. Ribka mentioned a stimulator pattern, it’s a good one for the dry. For the nymph I usually use a pheasant tail, good ribbed hares ear, or copper John. Something like that. If the water is deeper I’ll run a couple nymphs and a strike indicator.

A lot depends on the local bugs too. If a rocky canyon with stoneflies you might have good luck with a little bigger dark nymphs. I rarely use a fly bigger than a size 16 or 18 usually.