Originally Posted by ingwe
It is real, but it is not nearly the threat the press has made it out to be.

It is also the biggest farce ever foisted upon the American Public.

I said the same thing a while back....

Originally Posted by AKA_Spook
....and there's a second wave about to hit !

Anyone who hasnt put 2 and 2 together and come up with " this is the biggest hoax ever foisted upon mankind" is seriously lacking in IQ.

However, Now that this cat has escaped the sack.....
I see the next decade as a calamity of pandemics that " The Powers that Be" will utilize to shape tomorrows society into the docile herd that they would have legislated it to be , had not Donald Trump become president. After all its " the new normal " , and they'll push that slimy narrative til it sticks.

All things considered , they got an incredibly large portion of the population to suck this schitt up .
I would have expected more resistance from my countrymen.

.... like tears in the rain