Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by hatari
That could be the headline this week. If HRC were President, I'm sure the talking points would be how her actions have saved hundreds of thousands. Weren't 2 million Americans going to die from the virus by June?

Instead we get the talking point is that America is reaching a "Grim Milestone of 100,000 virus victims". Rush played an audio montage that must have had 8 or 10 talking heads from Sunday shows all using the same term "Grim milestone".

There is only one way ALL of them can be using the exact same description and that is that they got the FAX or text from the DNC for this week's talking points.

The other new talking points of the Left:

"Without universal mask wearing, the second wave will kill us all".

First it was going to be the immediate spike when we re-opened that killed us. Now the dreaded "second wave" will get us.

Now that everyone in Georgia is not dead 26 days after re-opening, the Left must come up with something new. Funny how the hospitals here are not overflowing with new virus victims and the predictions of peak death rates never happened in April and they never happened in May.

People are sick and tied of shelter in place, so now the emphasis will be:

Point #1 - wear masks or the 2nd wave will kill us all

Point #2 - this "grim milestone' is Trump's fault

Hey, I thought 1- 2 million would be dead by now. Seems to me Trump saved 900,000 lives. Had 2016 gone the other way, you can be assured that HRC doing exactly the same things as Trump would be credited with that headline.

If business was carried on as usual, 1-2 million would have died.

Trump did save 900K to 2mm lives.

That's what happens when actions change equations, and hence outcomes.

Now, it's time for America to go back to work.

Those numbers came from the bogus models that have proven wrong. They've run the numbers for Sweden, and predicted 100,000 dead by now. There are currently~4000 dead.
