RAS....it used for deep water trolling......fIgured after growing up on the East Side you would know what that is......Was your grandfather a fisherman, fished on the Detroit or St. Clair River don't know of any other places that they were used....
It was made from a old crank up Victrola record player....lock the paw on the spool crank to tighten the spring.... release the spool fill it with about 1/16" copper braided wire(now stainless steel is used)....on the end of the copper wire you put a tear drop shaped 2 pound lead weight off that a 2' piece of 30 lb line with a lure 18'" up a 15' leader with a lure 18" from that a 30' leader with a lure...its tricky not to get lines tangled coil the leaders put weight in water slowly drop weight while trolling you want to bounce the weight in a slow pumping motion with your arm never letting go or the line will go out when a walleye bites then bring in line the spring will reel the line in....
At night pencil plugs are a popular lure during the morning and late day Flatfish F4 or F5 mid-day very thin narrow 3" spoons....

This is the modern version ...........https://lakesidefishingshop.com/product/a-s-trolling-reel/