watching it, its pretty much what you'd expect it to be

but what I didn't realize was Derschowitz is accused of having sex with a minor.

and Dershowitz goes on camera and says "she won't admit it on camera, I challenge her to admit it on camera"

and the next scene is her "I was trafficked for sex and had sex with Alan Dershowitz on multiple occasions at the request of Jeff Epstein"

its pretty harsh. Dershowitz must be thankful that Covid 19 and riots are keeping peoples attention away from it.

They also have her and an employee on the island state that Clinton was on the island - while Clinton publicly denies it. They did say however that Clinton did not do anything inappropriate on the island which is hard to believe.

I know its hard to focus on anything but the riots but this is interesting stuff

Last edited by KFWA; 05/30/20.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings