No generation has uniform values, or votes 100% in a certain direction, just trends. All have good folks and a-holes.

As someone pointed out, in 1960 and 1964 boomers weren't of voting age yet. I turned 21 in 1960 (proud pre-boomer), and I clearly remember the women gushing over the Kennedys. "He's soooo handsome, look at his hair". Jackie is beautiful, what a sense of style, and she speaks French!" "Won't it be nice to have a new baby in the White House". That was also the beginning of Hollywood's strong influence on national politics. Remember Peter Lawford?

One thing about us pre-boomers, sometimes called the Lost Generation, we have much respect for the Greatest Generation that brought us out of the Depression and won WW II. Their biggest failure IMO was to birth the Boomers. I guess they meant well, wanted their kids to have it better than they did.

In 1984 I took a job (mid-management) in which for the first time I both supervised and was supervised by Boomers. Up until that time my bosses had been WW II vets. Let's just say that the difference was stark in terms of sense of self importance and entitlement. Not anything I remember fondly.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.