Originally Posted by HawkI
Originally Posted by janesvillejohn
Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Originally Posted by janesvillejohn
Cops killing innocent civilians is another.

After 6 days, the thugs that are still out there looting, burning & throwing bricks at the LEO's are not innocent civilians any longer, you stupid fu^ck.


I was not talking about the protesters queer face. 500 blacks shot and killed by the police in LA in the last 8 years and only 1% of the police prosecuted. The colored figure they get no justice in the courts, so.............now you have riots. I don't agree at all with the destruction of private property, or these riots. I just don't understant why the blacks don't seek revenge directly on the police. Understand queer bag.

They get plenty of justice.

Get drugged and boozed up and pick a fight with the cops.
Aint rocket science, other than your honkey ass would admit you had it coming while everyone black was the victim of racism.

Justice shows up where its deserved. Being a life long POS, regardless of race, isnt going to be rewarded with kid gloves and guilt ridden cops.
The blacks, cons or whatever really need to hold themselves to the standard they expect the police to have for dealing with their sorry asses, over and over...

PS. [bleep] you, you [bleep] commie trash...

Numb nuts, your boy Trump is kissing Putin's ass, the former KGB Communist Party thug.