Absolutely dead nuts on! Police will harass the weak and vulnerable all day long with zeal! They're f'n cowards of the first order if they think they can get away with bullying someone. I've seen it firsthand. I'm telling you, they're sociaopaths that are in it for the power trip. If they are told to turn their guns on innocents or disarm the helpless, they will gladly obey those orders.

All that said, as to whether they should be controlling the antifa types destroying our country I bet the other poster was right, their hands are tied from above. In my opinion though, the police should be petitioning or protesting on their own to be allowed to do the job of protecting society. They should be banding together and saying, "Screw you Mayor and Governor, we WILL be doing our job and upholding our oath to protect people and their property". Again, it comes back to them being cowards.

I wouldn't want their job, but if they take it, they sure as hell should be willing to do it, good or bad, easy or hard.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack