Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by funshooter
They went into a Small Town just up the road from me last night and the residents were ready for them.
Shop Owners were on their roofs with guns and the residents were all over the streets.
Antifucks came into burn a gas station down and the residents KICK THE LIVIN HE!! out of them.
it was all caught on camera and put on facebook.
My girl was laughing so hard she almost pee'd herself.

Commy Fornians are not all Commy's

I passed one protester on the way home yesterday 4 blocks from my home.
We have a local Facebook group and everyone wanted to know who she was and wanted to kick her AZZ.
she was holding up a sign that said NO PEACE and a bunch of other crap I could not read.
If the Antifuck's come into my community they will have a big surprise waiting for them.
My Community will have none of it.

Let's see the video.

It was on a Yucaipa City Facebook Group in Commyfornia and I do not know how to post it.