Everyone is jumping on the band wagon. It is pissing me. Everyone is so afraid of being labeled as unsympathetic or racist if they don't support this crap. Fine a guy died maybe it was murder maybe he was all drugged up whatever the reason it does kinda suck. Stupid should hurt but should not be a death sentence necessarily.

However it is ok to really not give a crap or not pick a side in the situation. That is what is wrong with the world today. We are not allowed to just not give a crap. If you are neutral your just as guilty as being against something. So all kinds of people are afraid of how they are seen by the world so they support whatever is the "popular" position. People with a strong media presence tied to their livelihood are the worst of all when it comes to this.

I had to turn off the my radio today. The damn white southern, I thought normal person,went off on some tangent about white privilege and how she will never be able to understand the problems of the black community and how there needs to be healing and such. I don't give a crap I just want to hear some Waylon.

Grow some balls say screw it and live your life as you see fit. Support or not support whatever cause YOU choose. Not what someone tells you should or shouldn't support. If something does not effect you directly in your day to day life you have the right to not give a rats ass.