Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by tmick
Nope - just part of a family whose generations honorably served from D-Day to Vietnam. If the Sec of Defense also agrees with the current situation and mis-use of military what is your point?.

So, troll, you're trying to convince me that if you wear the uniform your are completely above criticism? Even if you made your advancement on your political skills? That would make John Kerry the be all end all.

Look, Flag officers have political sides just like everybody else. Mattis is very political and was advanced up the food chain during the Obama years. Who are trying to fool with your Mattis hero worship?

Mattis has an ego. He is out of a job and fighting for relevance.

Col. David Hackworth referred to that bunch of senior officers as the Perfumed Princes.

He knew what of he was speaking.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.