So its better not to make money the past 2 months and just wait for the collapse unprepared with no assets. Glad I didn't listen to all the doom and gloom folks and just purchased deal after deal and almost doubled my money. Keeping their powder dry and sitting on the sidelines for the past 2 1/2 months.

Everyone knows about monetizing the debt and the danger. Duh. Not being proactive is the biggest mistake you can make and I aint talking about buying ammo and TP.

Originally Posted by RayF
The economy is measured in quarters and we haven’t made it through a full one since this all kicked off. As it’s been said, the Fed is sucking up all of the securities that are backing the market by printing IOUs to the Treasury, who is putting the “printers” in high gear. The first one that gets the greenbacks is the one that gets the most value because after it gets added to the circulated cash, it steals value from those already in existsnce. In this case, its the market.

The trick is that the securities are AAA on the label and garbage under that. When they start to default, the bonds that back them up won’t be worth anything. These are evaluated quarterly and it takes 2 quarters to define a recession or depression. With taxable income dropping (42m out of work) and the damage of these riots, we’re pretty much guaranteed 2 quarters of defaults in a bunch of areas. Keynesians (like some here) believe the USD can’t be over-printed. We’ll find out before the end of the year.