Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Fireball2
Why is the right obsessed with talking about what the left is doing, and pointing out how irrational it all is?

Why is this news? Get past it and wrap your head around what comes later.

Because it changes on a daily basis. The people of America awaken to a new level of leftist insanity every morning.

It amounts to the left controlling the narrative. Would you allow a spoiled two year old to dictate the conversation between adults? The right needs to stop validating these clowns and get on with the business of running the country. When an insurrection happens, shut it down, federally if necessary. Every day it continues validates them and their "cause" even more.

Swift, sure spanking, move on, don't bother talking about it, just do it and move on to business.

The right is making a mistake even addressing it. But to talk about everything and all things left 24/7 is it's own special form of insanity. What does the right expect of the left? Of course they're nuts, of course they pull stupid schit, of course they are idiots. Get over it, MOVE ON.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack