I've used those little blue packets that restaurants give us for coffee and tea .
It is a neurotoxin called aspartame. Usually works but bugs get used to it sometimes and everything else too including weather extremes.
I've used it as a bait for concrete ants. Killed the Queen's too.
It works on humans too unfortunately.
It makes you fat. It poisons your brain and causes Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, severe migraines, death, and the list goes on and on. Someone's bound to say, I be used it for years and I am ok. I warned family members about that and they told me the same thing. One got a bad case of dementia and the other died from it. They were addicted to diet pop.

I forget the brand, but a combination of what I just said and the bait stations seem to be more reliable.

Anybody try those? I'd like to know your results.