These plants were obviously planted by me because they are growing in the bed where I plant various garlic/nions.

They started rally growing last fall and had "heavy" garlic type leaves and grew all winter, even through temps down to about 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

They continued to grow with leaves like an garlic/onion but flattened and about 3/4 - 1" wide.
Recently the main stock shot up to about 4-5' a bud formed and now there is a light purple "flower" varying from plant to plant, but about 1.5 - 3" on diameter.
I say diameter because the "flower" is mostly round.

Seems like I remember "Blooming Onions" ( not the Outback cooked kind which variations is all that my google fu can find) from my past, but they were knee high at best.

Am I suffering from heat and HUMIDITY or does someone have any ideas.

Also seems like each part of the blooming onion "flower" was actually a miniature onion and would grow if planted.


Last edited by LouisB; 06/23/20. Reason: corrections

Some spelling errors can be corrected by a vowel movement.