Originally Posted by GregW
Originally Posted by milespatton
I have caught five swarms this year.
Four of which were in traps made of large pressed paper type flower pots. I have not had luck using small boxes with frames in them. I have had bees checking them out for a day or two, but they did not stay. Since photo bucket went bad, I have not figured out how to post pictures. frown miles

Miles, I've got traps specially made, with full frames for catching swarms. They work great. However, the trick is to make the box height about a frame and a half. That extra space below the frames put the trap entry there. The space is a game changer and will trigger a scout to bring the gang over. They will then go to the top of the cavity (as you know) and will build on your frames. Let them brood up then transfer frames to your yard. Easy peasy. Been doing this for many years. Space at bottom is key.

That's how this trap is constructed. It's a 4 frame deep nuc that I added a medium on top of. The frames (I think there are two in there) are hanging from the top.

Carpe' Scrotum