Originally Posted by Daveh
Frank- Appears you are using the Bartlein CF wrapped barrel?
If yes please send some diameter measurements.....

I like the Proof stock but I’ll not be using more of their barrels.

I caught a bad Proof cf barrel last fall. I bought it myself for a build. The guy at Proof couldn’t have been better to deal with.

I explained what I was seeing on target and steps I’d taken to ensure it wasn’t me or some other variable.

The guy said, “sounds like you caught a bad barrel” “Sorry about that”.
“Where can I ship the new barrel?” Not a single hassle.

With that said, I’m gonna try a Bartlein cf barrel on the next build. Bartlein will likely take some good market share from Proof because of their excellent reputation on steel tubes.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”