Tucker got it wrong. Trump is a true federalist. He's letting the state and local authorities deal with the unrest. This is pure federalism. Let the state/local authorities (democrats) deal with unrest (stand down) in (democrat) cities/states. That the (democrat) authorities don't want to deal with the problem at hand leads us to the cards Jenny Durkan has been dealt in Seattle ala CHAZ/CHOP/Wokeistan.

Durkan has some options, none of them good at this point. She has painted herself into a corner.


As a result, now she either she moves in with police force to chase these bounders and their 'demands' out, or else she ends up looking like a paper-tiger fool, a ragdoll easily flopped around by whoever wants to use her for the purpose.

The CHOP-ites know her type very well and are betting on her folding like a cheap suit. That's why they're not budging.

So now she has nothing but distasteful options on her plate. She can send in the cops to rip the squatters out and restore order to her tax base -- which should earn her the opprobrium of every lefty out there as a sellout to Trump.

Or, she lets the mess go on - the world laughing at her every pronouncement from now on, the lawsuits emptying her city coffers because who's going to argue with them (Victory Girls has an excellent piece here) and President Trump poised to take over. She can claim she's preserving the supposed goodwill of the rabid left, except that it's pretty clear they despise her.

This is what the democrats have done to themselves. Had Trump stepped in with the big old swinging dick of the US gov't then the mobs would have made sure to provoke the next Kent State type incident to drub Trump in the election. So he stood firm and resolute, basically saying 'If the state and local authorities ASK me I will send in the Guard.' Knowing full well the state/local authorities know they have to PUBLICLY and formally ask for this action. It would be akin to sending in their own police.

So yeah, Tucker got one wrong despite his batting 1,000 since the riots started. Trump has forced the democrats in large democrat cities to deal with how they've voted for the last 40-50 years. Lots of independents see this unrest for what it is. Some democrats will change their mind, but it's the independents that need to see this play out exactly how it is playing out. Voters that often vote R in presidential races sometimes vote D at the state and local level. That's the target audience.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
