Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by SAcharlie

Well bullshit is not fact.
BHO being a black POTUS bothers you very much so that you fall back to bullshit to justify that fact.
I don't put up with bullshit therefore I dislike trump.

I never said anything about him being black, he's only half black as a matter of fact. I couldn't care less if he's purple, he raised my taxes to exorbitant levels, stifled the economy that my livelihood depends upon, and tripled the price of health care that we all depend upon. That's why his tenure in office sucked. Bill Clinton was a low life despicable human being also but his tenure wasn't as bad for the country as Obama's chiefly because the republican house was able to keep him in check.

So basically we've just determined that you're a lying POS.

Like I said you reply with bullshit to justify your bigotry against a black POTUS.
You can shout or write a book about it if you like.

The end of democracy, and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.