I have an Oneida compound.
So got some 300 spine.

Took my bare shaft test arrow for the Aeroforce, and tried it out of my recurve tonight. 125gr tip, reg alum insert. 30".
Wow, way stiff.
Added 100gr insert. Stiff.
Went 200gr point...........almost there.

But I stopped experimenting as that arrow was pathetically slow. Like the deer could eat an apple and smoke a cigarette and still walk out of the way slow..

Recurve did fine w 340's, 125 gr tip, reg alum insert w 50gr added. But they an inch shorter than the test 300 for the Oneida.

I am still screwed up in my back/shoulders but quit taking the dr recommended OTC arthritis crap.
Stuff I think worked for a while but then made things worse.

Only shot maybe two doz arrows from 54# recurve. Felt OK.

So I gotta refletch my 340's (to a better color combo- had to use what was avail last yr- ugh).
Get another backup tab, and some new 50 gr weights.

Gave some to a bud and am low.

Am back to my old anchor and it just feels better, comes off cleaner I think.