I've had a gas Echo chain saw for over 35 years, still works, but I don't need one but about every 5 years to trim branches. It would start but took a couple of hours to get it to run, (old gas, gummed carb, yada yada yada.)
Three years ago I bought an electric Echo, same bar length (16"). This thing is amazing, lighter than the gas, I think cuts better, and a lot quieter.
This spring we had a large multiple trunk oak tree fall across our two track hunting property, took the new say out with a full charge and cut that oak into lots of nice firewood, worked over two hours and it still was cutting. They say good for over 100 cuts, I believe it.
Since then I"ve bought the Echo leaf blower and string trimmer, uses the same battery. The blower is as good as a gas back pack blower and perfect for a home owner.
If your chainsaw needs are spread months or years apart, an electric model is ideal.

"The older I get, the better I was"