Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Chumps for trump rallies?
Masks optional.
Oh well you guys don't go anyway.

How many people have been butchered by communist and socialist countries? At least 100 million. And you progressive fascists want to bring that here!

How economically successful have socialist and communist countries been? They are economic disasters because they violate economic laws. And you want to bring that here!

How free are the socialist and communist societies? Every one of these countries is ruled by an iron fisted dictatorship with no respect for freedom or liberty making the citizens slaves to the state. And you want that evil here!

Socialist and communist countries give all power to the government and this requires rulers that have integrity. When you look at the last 3 Democratic Party people nominated for President it’s clear that integrity is missing from the Dems Dear Leaders.

Biden has a long record of corruption with millions of dollars paid to his son by a Ukraine Company for a no skill no show job. Biden didn’t hesitate to blackmail Ukraine in order to stop a corruption investigation of the company his son was working for. Biden also arranged for China to give his son control over a billion dollars that he used to make money.

Even worse than this corruption is the fact that Biden is incapable doing the job of President because he has dementia. That doesn’t mater to the progressive fascists. They will just have others do the job instead of Biden!

Hillary sold the favors of her office for hundreds of millions in donations to her slush fund and millions to her bank account. In her attempt to conceal this corruption she used an illegal email server do do her work as SoS. As her job required access to highly classified information this server held numerous top secret and higher classified information. Our enemies were able to access Hillary’s email sever and the secrets it contained.

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