Portland PD was once a wicked bunch of cops - for the most part. You wanted to play stupid games with Portland, you could end up shot or get your ass kicked in.

Flunk an attitude test - get a huge fine - car towed...Try to front the wrong cop or press him, get yourself a ticket for a meet and greet with the pavement.

Black people got a pass on being shot, not because Portland wouldn’t shoot a black dude, rather, the black people were reluctant or smart enough to not shoot at the cops...White people always shoot at cops in Portland.

Mayor Wheeler and his tribe of liberal misfits have been a major problem for the police dept and the average residents of the greater Portland and surrounding areas.

Downtown businesses have lost significant revenue due to increased criminal and homelessness behavior allowed and encouraged by the City Council.

People over the age of 45 who longer go into the city during the day, let alone at night, say they feel unsafe for themselves and their vehicles.

Wheeler and his liberal radicals hate the police, but embrace the demonstrators, homeless and SJW who have made the inner city a dangerous dump.

Portland PD is right now being systematically neutered by the sjw that sit on the City Council. It’s unfortunate.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”