Originally Posted by efw
Greatest country in the history of the world!


While our record isn't spotless, we have generally tried to do whatever was right in the context of the day.

The USA is a place where a person can succeed if he/she is smart enough, works hard enough, and has a little luck.

Both my Father and FIL came from meager beginnings, neither graduated from high school, and both left estates valued in the millions of dollars. Hard work, a keen eye for recognizing opportunities before others did, plus enough luck to be right more often than wrong.

I know two Vietnamese sisters who came to the USA as boat people refugees. Nobody in their family spoke English and their parents worked hard jobs in the meat packing industry to build a better life. Those parents, Mr. & Mrs. Tran, emphasized education to their children and Van and Sam worked hard to be exceptional students, earning scholarships to attend college and graduate school. Both have risen within their respective companies because they are smart and they get the job done.

There are millions of stories likes these, where else but in America?