I dunno.

Market up 21% in the 2nd quarter...after dropping 20% in the 1st quarter. Could this be a "dead cat bounce?" The only other time something like that happened was in 1932. The depression lasted years longer.

40% of the S&P companies have withdrawn their guidance, which means they can't predict their earnings. Now if THEY have no idea what their earnings will be, how can the MARKET know?

Current PE is 22. The long term average has been 15. Is the market overpriced?

The Fed is buying corporate bonds. Why? The companies need the cash to stay afloat. Why can't they sell the bonds to investors? Risk of default?

Where does the Fed get the money? Why, they just print it. Ever hear of the Weimar Republic? Or Zimbabwe?

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.