Originally Posted by JGRaider
Ha, right on guys! Also, at least one other doctor, along with the two I've seen here, seem to "believe" that the kidney's are the victim, not the source of the problem in my case. Hope their right. Appreciate the king words and well wishes.

Thats an interesting angle. It might even prod me to follow my earlier gut instinct, a few months back I leaned on my neph about a recommended referral to an endocrinologist about my PTH

I even asked the neph if taking out my parathyroids would be a good thing (based off of what I researched) my doc shot me down and said that taking them out “in her experience” made the GFR worse and had tossed some people into dialysis.

I think I might just get myself an appt anyway to see an Endo, at least for entertainment or education purposes.