So Hillary's people sit down with Biden's people: “Look, we know now that a female President in 2016 was a bridge too far. But we beat Trump eight ways to Sunday with the popular vote count. Almost 66 million to his piddly 63 million.
How about our gal settles for four years as VP and we bring all her voters over into Joe’s camp? We will bring Bill with us and any Biden’s gaffs will go down a lot easier with our voters knowing the two of us will have his back with all our years in the White House. Your boss, Obama, has already signed on saying it sounds damn good to him.

Then after 4 years with Hillary as VP we will be ready to roll in 2024 with Hillary Clinton as the first female President? For eight years. That will give us twelve years at least with a Democrat in the White House.”

Biden’s people: “We’re in.”

I have to pause now as I think I’m going to be sick…
I will come back later with how I think Trump can beat this.
When I feel better.

Last edited by BOWSINGER; 07/10/20.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."