I have never had a problem cashing a USPS money order at a bank either and if it is for a small amount like $1-200, they have usually been able to cash them at the Post Office. I like them because they have an online website to check on the validity of the check number, the check itself has many anti-fraud features and I am told that the Postal Inspectors can be aggressive at investigating and prosecuting inter-state postal fraud.

In the end, the determining factor is how much money is involved and how much do you trust the buyer. If you look at money orders and bank checks, they look very simple and easy to forge plus check with your bank and ask them when you know that the check has actually cleared. It is hard to get a straight answer and I have come to the conclusion that it could be over 6 months before there little chance of the check bouncing and if it does bounce, your bank will immediately debit your account for that amount. PayPal certainly has it's advantages but if it is for gun related purchases and a large amount, you still have risks. I understand why people opt for face to face.