got my mule home about two weeks ago. After a couple days of rest I saddled him up and went for a ride. He rode out good with one hiccup. We were going down a dirt road that’s grown up and he stopped with his ears perked up and he was looking at or for something. After a brief stop I pat him on the shoulders and got him off whatever.I heeled him to go on and he didn’t. Heeled again and nothing. So I turned him around and we went back to the main road and then on down to the barn. Nothing further.
So the next day I snapped a lead on him and took him for a walk. Got a short distance from the barn and he froze up. I did the ask tell demand and on the demand he started forward. Got to the end of my drive. I lead him off to the right. Nope he stopped. No matter how much I demanded we battled .
I turned him in circles and still nope. I then took him to the right. No problem for about a mile. I turned around and headed back. All was well until we got to my drive and he wanted to go to the barn. I tried to get him to go straight with no luck. He set the anchor. I took him to the barn.
I adjusted the knots on the rope halter to be more on his nose rather the sides. Took him for a walk and when he stopped I did the ask tell demand and with the knots adjusted he came on the demand. The next couple of days I would lead him up and down the road in all directions and he does good with the exception of getting in front of me. No more battles on getting bites of grass or different directions.
So I saddle him up which by the way is very easy. I ride him up through the yard and down to the road. We turn left and go a short distance and he stops and refuses to go. So I get off and lead him down the road for about a mile. It’s smoking hot so to keep the lessons short I turn him towards him and heel him. Off we go. I heel him again and he gets up to a trot. I’m cruising down the road with a smile. I slow up at my drive to a walk and direct him to go straight. Nope he stops. He wants to go to the yard or barn. I get off and lead him straight down the road which he does.
We walk around for a while then I walk him home.
A few more days of leading him with no problems.
Today I took him to the local saddle club arena. Got there unloaded him and walked him into the arena. He was sniffing everything so I took him for a couple laps on the lead. No problems.
I mounted up and heeled him and away we went. He was walking along fine for a few laps. Neck reigning as I was guiding him to follow his same foot tracks from the previous lap. So I’m thinking he is barn sour and we need to work on that. While walking I heeled him to pick up the pace which he did not do. I did not make a issue but was thinking about it.
After a few laps he looks over at a gate. Hmmm I thought. Then as we went past the gate by the truck he turns towards it and stops. Before he got to the gate I was steering him away but he fought off the reign and went to the gate. Stopped and not going any further.
So I tried encouraging him to go, heeled him non stop with no luck.
I get off and grab the lead which I have wrapped around the Horn and lead him around the arena for several laps.
I’m furious as I’m unsure what to do.
So I stop in the shade and think about what I need to do. He tries to go past me to the gate. I have a 12’ soft rope lead snapped on to the halter. I popped him across the butt with the end of the lead. Boy did I get his attention. I lead him around another lap and he walked behind me like a puppy.
I tied him up to the trailer where he could not get a bite of grass. I hung his water bucket on the trailer for him to have water to drink.
I kept him tied up for an hour before loading up and heading home.
At home I got him out of the trailer and tied him up again for another hour while I cleaned the trailer out.
I need some help and suggestions for what’s causing him to stop and go no further. I need help with getting him to go.
He loads the trailer with no effort, picking his feet up is very easy, saddling is easy, putting the bit in is no issue, he stands still while mounting, I brush him twice a day and he loves it.
His problem is not going .
I would appreciate some pointers, suggestions or how to.