Originally Posted by High_Noon
Originally Posted by Dryfly24
You hit the nail square on the head! And you know what’s really scary? With all this Covid BS keeping kids home, how much worse is that problem gonna be now?

Shouldn't be a problem at all if the kids have concerned, involved parents. Unfortunately, that's probably not the case for a lot of American kids these days.

Of all the ills liberalism has brought us, in my opinion one of the worst is the over involvement of helicopter parenting. I know that’s not the type of concerned involvement you mean, but unfortunately it’s the type that we have in spades today. It makes me sick when I see how parents are raising their kids today as opposed to how I and my friends were raised back in the day.

Parents now think their perfect little angels can never do wrong and every kid is better than any test score or standard that has been thrust upon them by the rest of the world that inexplicably just doesn’t seem to recognize their kid’s clear superiority to every other human ever born.

That’s THE overarching problem with kids and parents nowadays. Kids are never wrong and they are not free to make mistakes and learn from them. It is always someone else’s fault for the mistake, and the parent will fix it for the kid anyway. That’s another way you end up with the self absorbed douchebags clearly on display on every tv channel and social media site today.

Last edited by Dryfly24; 07/17/20.