What's the one thing (could be minor like mine) if you sit back and think let you know you made it? Maybe not to the top, but to a point where you take a breath and smile and say fugg yeah, life don't suck.

When I was able to buy my wife our first good vehicle to drive, I was on cloud nine.
When I signed papers on my first house, I thought I had the world by the balls.

But honestly, being able to pay someone else to shoe my fugking horses makes me realize I have achieved something. smile Wife's gelding threw a shoe and farrier won't come till next week. She took time off work and really wanted to ride, so I pulled my tools out and did his hinds. Christ almighty. LMAO I used to do 3-4 in a morning then whatever work there was to do for whichever outfit I was working for. Or I'd spend all day doing a string. Did my own for years, but that's only a couple at a time. Been a few years now, and just doing half of one about whipped my ass. Didn't help he jerked his foot and gave me a decent scratch before I twisted off one of the nails. He almost crossed the rainbow bridge with a hammer in his head.