Okay, the difference in weight between my Excalibur scope, whichever model was their best two years ago, in Burris 30mm Signature mounts, and the Sparc 2 is exactly a pound. The view through the Sparc is a bit constricted compared to the scope, but with both eyes open is still okay. Like most low-mounted red dots, only a bit of adjustment was needed to zero at 20 yards. I went over on the elevation, and it's spot-on at 30, and only about an inch high at 20. I also took a shot at about 12, paced, and again it was only slightly high. Looks like 30 is a good place to be.

It's stinking hot here, 94, and further tests will have to wait a bit. I'm thinking that even at 40, I may only be a hand's width low.

As for handling, the balance is still good, but now holding the bow by the grip with one hand, pointing up at an angle is much easier. Obviously, a lot of stuff that could catch on brush and such is now gone.

What fresh Hell is this?