Originally Posted by benchman
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I was getting my physical 4 years ago. I was 65. Doc said he wanted to do a blood test, if my cholesterol was bad he was going to put me on statins.
I said "No, you are not."
He said "Yes you will take them if your numbers are bad."
I said "No I won't I don't trust these tests."

Doc said "Well if you won't take the meds I won't even test you."
And that was the end of that.

Cholesterol is a good thing. I don't think cholesterol levels are the cause of clotting. Statin drugs are bad stuff, with a lot of bad side effects. Just my opinion.

Cholesterol is the cause of plaque... Clotting is a different function. Blockages occur when your LDL/HDL ratio is really high - you don't have enough HDL to keep the LDL fluid in your system. Luckily I am off statin pills. The injection works much better for me.